This was an attack on Democracy and on all of us. We will not stand for it.

As a child, my family avoided trips to the Philippines near election time to avoid the type of violence we bore witness to this week at the US Capitol. Other immigrant families fled political violence and came to the US to flee groups who use violence to suppress the will of the people. Here and now in the United States, we cannot allow angry mobs to silence the millions of Americans who cast their ballots.
This was an attack on Democracy and on all of us. We will not stand for it.
This past November, the will of the people was made clear. Eighty million Americans voted for President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris yet we have a president and several members of Congress who deny this fact. Those who incite violence and seek to damage our democracy are a threat to all Americans and should be held accountable.
Public Wise was founded on the belief that democracy is most effective when it’s accessible to all. In our first year, we have been proud to fight alongside you to get voters to the polls and get every vote counted. We are grateful for your leadership in organizing BIPOC communities. We are your partners in the continued work for a more representative government.
We will not let the rioting at the Capitol overshadow the MONUMENTAL wins in Georgia with the election of Senators-Elect Reverend Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. It is because of the long term, relational organizing of BIPOC communities by our partners that these wins were possible. We celebrate with you and will to continue building power and participation in our communities.
This is why we have proudly signed on to the call with 100+ Civil Rights, Racial Justice, Labor, and Grassroots groups demanding Trump be immediately removed from office. January 6, 2021 should forever be remembered as Treason Day. Read more here.
Our commitment stands. We will continue to support and build power in Black, Indigenous, Latinx, immigrant, and other communities of color. We encourage you to reach out to us for funding gaps and other support through our funds+ program.
This is an incredibly painful moment that we are living and working through together. We are humbled to stand by your side in this work and are grateful for your continued leadership.
In solidarity,
Christina Baal-Owens
Executive Director
Public Wise