
Read the latest news, press releases, statements, and project recaps from Public Wise.

FULL REPORT: The War in Gaza and Voter Dynamics

Explore how the War in Gaza impacts voter behavior and learn strategies to keep voters engaged for the 2024 election, based on Public Wise's detailed research.

Is The Constitutional County Movement The Newest Threat To Democracy?

DemocracyPolicing and Democracy

Unaccountable Sheriff Elections Provide Fertile Ground For A Growing Anti-Democratic Police Movement in Arizona

This post examines how the Constitutional Sheriffs movement in Arizona fuels anti-democratic practices, influences election denialism, and highlights the dangers of unchecked sheriff power.
AccountabilityPolicing and Democracy

U.S. Voter Turnout in Global Perspective

Voter Turnout & Access

Democracy on the Ballot: Voters’ intentions and actions in battleground states in the midterm elections

AccountabilityJanuary 6th

News Sources and Views on January 6th: Media Consumption in Six Battleground States

Public Wise Research report on news sources and views on January 6th in six battleground states.
AccountabilityJanuary 6th

Youth Vote GOTV Report

Messaging & Public OpinionMessaging

Why voting-eligible citizens sat out the 2020 election

Unheard ThirdDemocracy

Public Wise and Change Research Follow-up Poll on January 6 Events

AccountabilityJanuary 6th

Public Opinion on January 6, 2021

This report provides an overview of polling done by outside organizations on public opinion about the events of January 6th and provides an overview of poll findings from a Public Wise poll conducted
AccountabilityJanuary 6th